Green Blob

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Easy Dance Steps To Ace Your Garba Game

Imagine stepping into a lively, colorful world where traditional beats meet contemporary moves – that’s the magic of Navratri. 

It’s not just a festival; it’s a celebration of togetherness, culture, and pure, unadulterated joy.

 And at the heart of it all is the Garba, a dance that unites us all in a whirl of excitement and rhythm. 

It’s your chance to shine, to dance like nobody’s watching, to let loose and show off your Garba skills with finesse.

Here are five basic and easy steps along with their Gujarati names and descriptions. 


Start with your feet together and take a small step to the right, then bring your left foot to join it. Repeat this pattern, moving to the right in a circular motion.

Teen Taali

Begin by stepping to the right with your right foot, then bring your left foot close, followed by a clap. Repeat this pattern, moving in a circular motion to the right.


Start with your feet together and take a step to the right, followed by a slight hop on one foot, and clap while in the air. Repeat this pattern, moving in a circular motion.

Aankh Micholi

Begin with your feet together, then take a step to the right and close your eyes while making a circular motion with your arms. Open your eyes when you bring your feet together.


Start with your feet together and take a step forward, then a step backward, and continue this forward and backward movement in a circular pattern.