Tips To Make Your Relationship Stronger With Your Partner


Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

Couple Morning Routine: Journal about the qualities you appreciate about your partner. When you do it, they will become more prominent and by the law of the universe, you will automatically attract good events with them. 

Appreciate them: Make it a note to compliment your partner about what they did well.

Have effective communication: You may not agree with their point of view, but one must respect that they are saying it from their experience and life’s learning and there is no absolute correct way.

Quality time: Schedule and plan quality dates with your partner. It doesn’t matter if you have been married for 50 years, take out time every day, or week, or twice a week to spend quality time doing things you both enjoy.

Put in deliberate effort: You would like to feel special, wouldn’t you? So does your partner! Know what your partner likes, and put it in an extra effort to please their likings.

Flirting is good: It is always fun to add sparks in your relationship as it keeps the sizzle and joy alive. Understand your partner’s way of expressing love and put in effort to ensure they feel loved.

Never go to bed being angry: It is very crucial in any relationship to forgive. It is nature of human life to do mistakes, even if unknowingly. One must learn to let go and forgive them.

Trust: Trust is essential for a strong and healthy relationship. Be reliable and consistent in your actions and words.

Learn and Grow Together: Encourage your partner to pursue their own interests and goals, and support them in their personal growth and development.

Celebration: Celebrating important occasions and milestones together, such as birthdays and anniversaries, can help create lasting memories and strengthen your bond.