Superfoods to boost oxygen levels

Moneycontrol News October 24, 2023


Grapes are rich in antioxidants which help improve the blood flow inside the body and in turn, enhance the oxygen levels.


Pomegranate has essential minerals such as copper and zinc and eating the fruit can help boost oxygen levels.


Carrots contain various different vitamins such as A, C, B3 and B6 and are crucial to detoxify the body and increase oxygen supply to body tissues.


Kiwi is a rich source of vitamins and also minerals such as iron and copper. The fruit can boost immune system and help oxygen saturation in the blood.


Beetroot is an excellent source of fibre and can help improve the oxygen absorption inside the blood.


Lemons contain Vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps develop oxygen carriers with haemoglobin.


Avocados are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and can help improve oxygen levels by enhancing oxygen absorption in the blood.