8 benefits of investing in SIPs

By Priyanka Roshan, May 30, 2024

Cost averaging

SIPs let you buy more units when prices are low and fewer when prices are high, averaging your investment cost over time.

Disciplined investing

SIPs promote regular investing, helping you stay disciplined and committed to your financial goals.

power of compounding

By reinvesting dividends & returns, SIPs leverage compounding to grow your investments significantly over time.

long-term wealth creation

Consistent long-term investing through SIPs can help you build wealth and achieve your financial goals.


SIPs offer flexibility in investment amounts and frequency, allowing you to invest according to your convenience.


SIPs allow investment in a diversified portfolio, reducing the risk of investing in a single asset class.


SIPs are accessible to investors with different investment capacities, suitable for both small & large investors.


SIPs provide regular statements and updates, ensuring transparency about fund performance and portfolio composition.