10 Cities Offering Affordable Lifestyles

The affordable services allow people to enjoy cities charm.

Damascus, Syria

Cheap transportation and reasonable dining choices make this city a preferred option.

Tehran, Iran

Tripoli provides numerous services for middle-class families.

Tripoli, Libya

Reasonable lifestyle and availability of basic amenities help people set the budget.

Karachi, Pakistan

The capital city is renowned for its skyscrapers and historical landmarks.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Combination of historical charm, reasonable housing and economical markets makes it a convincing choice.

Tunis, Tunisia

A rapidly evolving city, ideal for budget conscious individuals seeking a fresh start.

Lusaka, Zambia

This is one of the largest city in India and surprisingly affordable .

Ahmedabad, India

Recognised as a financial center, Lagos provides reasonable living choices and easily accessible markets.

Lagos, Nigeria

Its known for the economical housing and budget-friendly options.

Chennai, India