10 Colourful Frog Breeds

January 30, 2025

Blue Poison Dart Frog

The frog is a little amphibian with bright blue and dark spots found in the jungles of Brazil and Suriname.

Tomato Frog

This chubby, bright red-orange Madagascar frog is well-known for its protective skin secretions.

Red – Eyed Tree Frog

Found in Central America, it is well-known for its vivid green body, scarlet eyes, and blue-striped sides.

African Dwarf Frog

Habitant in West and Central Africa this frog’s hues range from a speckled brown to a mottled green.

Glass Frog

This frog from South America has a transparent glassy green skin giving a glimpse of the frog's internal organs.

Amazon Milk Frog

A unique brown-spotted milky-blue frog with sticky climbing toe pads habitat in South America.

Golden Poison Frog

Native to Colombia, this frog has a unique golden-yellow colour with big round eyes.

Indian Bulldog

This quite large frog, which is typically green to yellowish in colour, is found in South and Southeast Asia.

Harlequin Frog

Found in Central and South American jungles they are well-known for their vivid colour displays and eye-catching patterns.

Asian Painted Frog

Living in Southeast Asia this frog has a striking dark brown body and copper brown or pink stripes on it.