10 creative ways to use carrot peels in your kitchen

Soup Stock: Simmer carrot peels with water, onion, and herbs for a flavourful soup base

Tea Infusion: Brew carrot peel tea with ginger for a soothing and antioxidant-rich beverage

Vegetable Broth: Enhance the flavour of homemade broth by adding carrot peels to the mix

Compost: Utilise carrot peels as nutrient-rich additions to your compost pile for sustainable gardening

Potpourri: Dry carrot peels and mix with spices for a fragrant potpourri to freshen up your home

Pet Treats: Bake dehydrated carrot peel chips as healthy snacks for your furry friends

Natural Dye: Boil carrot peels to extract vibrant orange dye for fabric or Easter eggs

Face Mask: Blend carrot peels with yoghurt and honey for a nourishing DIY face mask

Garnish: Crisp carrot peel ribbons in ice water and use as an attractive garnish for salads or dishes

Infused Vinegar: Create infused vinegar by steeping carrot peels in white vinegar for a tangy flavour boost

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