10 drinks that are shortening your life

Drinking more than eight ounces a day can significantly increase the risk of obesity and coronary disease, contributing to a potential 42 per cent higher chance of early death.

Fruit Juice

Excessive milk consumption, especially in women, may promote chronic low-grade inflammation, potentially shortening lifespan.


Super-high protein intake, especially with added BCAA supplements, may decrease quality of life in later years and lead to early death.

Protein Shakes

High sugar content in daily diets increases the odds of death from cardiovascular disease.

Pre-bottled Smoothies

Regular consumption can cause potentially "life-threatening" alterations to the body, impacting blood pressure and heart's electrical activity.

Energy Drinks

More than four cups a day may have negative effects on lifespan.


Each daily 12-ounce serving of sugary drinks is linked to a seven per cent increased risk of death, a five per cent increased risk of cancer death, and a 10 per cent increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease.


Despite being less sweet than soda, they also increase the risk of dying from heart disease and certain cancers, including breast and colon cancer.

Sports Drinks

Regular consumption, due to added sugars and artificial sweeteners, is linked to severe health issues and premature death.

Sweetened Iced Tea

While low in calories, the artificial sweeteners and chemicals in diet soda may lead to weight gain, obesity, inflammation, and increased risk of death.

Diet Soda