10 easy ways to detach from social media

Disabling notifications can help regain focus on daily tasks and reduce FOMO, making social media engagement more rewarding when you do check.

Keep your notifications off

Setting strict time limits using phone settings can curb excessive social media use, challenging your willpower but ultimately leading to a healthier relationship with technology.

Set boundaries on screen time

Rediscover old hobbies or explore new interests to fill time previously spent scrolling, fostering personal growth and reducing dependency on online platforms.

Embrace offline pursuits

Prioritise real connections over digital updates by reaching out directly to loved ones through texts, calls, or creative virtual gatherings, fostering deeper relationships beyond social media.

Prioritise personal connections

Treat social media as a reward for accomplishing tasks or being productive, shifting the mindset from constant connectivity to intentional, occasional engagement.

Redefine social media engagement

Removing unused apps minimises distractions and simplifies digital interactions, encouraging more mindful usage patterns and reducing temptation to scroll aimlessly.

Delete the apps you don't use

Consider a complete break from social media to reassess priorities and reclaim time for meaningful offline activities, providing a fresh perspective and reducing dependency on digital platforms.

Take a digital detox

Be conscious of your emotions and intentions when engaging with social media, practicing mindfulness techniques to prevent mindless scrolling and maintain a balanced approach to online interaction.

Mindful interaction

Establish clear boundaries for when and how you use social media, such as designating specific times of day for checking updates or implementing tech-free zones in your home to promote healthier habits.

Set boundaries for social media usage

If you're struggling to detach from social media, reach out to friends, family, or mental health professionals for support and accountability.

Seeking support

6 ways to protect mental health from social media