10 everyday habits that are making you old fast

Everyone knows that drinking is bad for health. However, did you know it can also speed up ageing?


Insufficient moments of joy and laughter may not only make life less enjoyable but can also contribute to increased stress levels, potentially accelerating the ageing process.

Lack of Laughter

Prolonged periods of sitting can lead to muscle stiffness, poor circulation, and a range of health issues that contribute to premature ageing.

Sitting All Day

Lack of exposure to fresh air and natural sunlight may lead to vitamin deficiencies and impact mental well-being, potentially speeding up the ageing process.

Staying Indoors

Consuming high amounts of processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress, accelerating the ageing process.

Poor Diet

Overexposure to artificial lighting, especially at night, can disrupt circadian rhythms, affecting sleep quality and potentially contributing to premature ageing.

Too Much Fake Light

Lack of purpose and direction can lead to feelings of stagnation and contribute to stress, impacting both mental and physical health in ways that may accelerate ageing.

Not Having Goals

Chronic sleep deprivation not only affects physical and mental well-being but also accelerates the ageing process by hindering the body's natural repair mechanisms.

Inadequate Sleep

Neglecting proper skincare, including moisturising and using sun protection, can hasten the onset of visible signs of ageing.

Skipping Skincare Routine