10 Foods That Were Made by Mistake

Producer: Peuli Bakshi

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ruth Wakefield, the owner of the Toll House Inn, added broken pieces of chocolate into her cookie dough, expecting them to melt. Instead, the chocolate remained chunky, giving rise to choc chip cookies.

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The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, reportedly asked for meat to be served between two slices of bread so he could continue playing cards without using utensils. Thus, the sandwich was born.

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Potato Chips

Legend has it that it was invented by George Crum, a chef in Saratoga Springs, New York, who thinly sliced potatoes and fried them to appease a picky customer.

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In 1905, Frank Epperson left a mixture of soda and water with a stirring stick outside overnight, and it froze. He named it the Epsicle, later called Popsicle.

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French Fries

Historians believe that it was first created in Belgium in the late 17th century when villagers fried potatoes to accompany their meals. Others credit American soldiers with popularizing the dish during World War I .

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Mozzarella Cheese

As per legends, mozzarella cheese was first made when cheese curds accidentally fell into a pail of hot water in Italy. The result was a stretchy, delicious cheese.

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Beer is believed to have been discovered by accident when grains fermented in water, producing an alcoholic beverage.

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Yogurt was likely discovered by accident when milk was left out in the sun or in warm temperatures and naturally fermented into yogurt.

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Corn Flakes

Corn Flakes were invented by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg when he left cooked wheat to sit, and it became stale. He then rolled it out, and corn flakes were born.

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Pharmacist John Pemberton intended to create a headache remedy but ended up with a caramel-colored syrup that, when mixed with carbonated water.

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