10 foods to boost fertility naturally

Rich in fibre and protein, beans and lentils are known to improve ovulation. They are also high in folic acid, which is essential for conception and proper embryo development.

Beans and Lentils

Eating sunflower seeds is an effective way to help maintain healthy sperm levels. Roasted, unsalted sunflower seed kernels are high in Vitamin E, an important component that boosts sperm count and motility.

Sunflower Seeds

Berries like raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries are rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C and folic acid, supporting optimal foetal growth after conception. These fruits contain natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients that enhance fertility in both men and women.


Avocadoes are abundant in vitamin K, monosaturated fats, and folic acid, which are crucial during the early stages of pregnancy.


Low on carbs and rich in protein, zinc, folic acid, quinoa provides a robust prenatal protection plan, while maintaining healthy foetal growth once pregnancy takes place.


Fatty foods are excellent for promoting fertility. Greek yoghurt and cheese include calcium, probiotics, and vitamin D, all of which aid ovulation.

Fatty Foods

Yolks contain vitamin B and vital omega-3s. It is also rich in folic acid, which helps the body produce red blood cells and maintain embryo development following conception.

Egg Yolk

Walnuts are high in omega-3s and omega-6s, which help the body maintain regulate hormones. Males who consume walnuts on a daily basis have higher semen health, which includes increased motility, quantity, and morphology.


Asparagus is a powerful meal that has numerous benefits for individuals attempting to conceive.


To supplement those beneficial fats, salmon contains a lot of protein and omega-3s, which help foetal growth throughout pregnancy. Men can also benefit from eating salmon because it contains high levels of vitamin D and selenium.
