10 Funny New Year’s Resolutions for Adults

Producer:  Mehak Pal

Here are ten funny and quirky New Year's resolutions for adults.

"I will try to remember where I left my keys at least once a week."

 "Committing to a daily workout routine: laughing at my own jokes."

 "Embrace my inner couch potato, guilt-free."

"I will limit my screen time to only 8 hours of Netflix per day."

 "I promise to use the gym membership I’ve been paying for all year."

"I will try not to judge my cat for sleeping 18 hours a day."

 "I will strive to keep my desk clean, or at least find it under the paperwork pile."

"I will resist the urge to reply ‘per my last email’ and opt for a smiley face instead."

"I resolve to discover the mystical land where missing socks go and bring them back to their pairs."

"I pledge to laugh at my jokes because they say laughter is the best medicine, right?"