10 Hacks That Will Bring Your Dead (or Dying) Plant Back to Life

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Adjust Watering: Check soil moisture and water accordingly, avoiding both overwatering and underwatering.

Prune Dead Parts: Trim away dead or yellowing leaves to encourage new growth.

Provide Adequate Light: Ensure your plant gets the right amount of sunlight suitable for its type.

Repotting: Refresh soil and provide new nutrients by repotting into a larger container if necessary.

Humidity Control: Maintain optimal humidity levels, especially for tropical plants.

Fertilize Mindfully: Use a balanced fertilizer to replenish nutrients without overwhelming the plant.

Check for Pests: Inspect for pests and treat if necessary to prevent further damage.

Patience and Observation: Give the plant time and closely observe changes to adjust care accordingly.