10 Hanging Indoor Plants To Decorate Your Home

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Fishbone Cactus

This cactus plant is perfect for adding a bit of character to your living space. It is a wild cactus, which means it thrives in moist and warm conditions. You need to water more frequently than other cactus.

Hanging Golden Pothos

It is a very popular choice as it is easy to care plant with high adaptability. You can hang it from the ceiling, clutch it on a window rod, place it on the edge of the windowsill or put it on the top of a bookshelf to trail down.

String of Pearls

The string of pearls is a unique-looking succulent that thrives with a lot of bright light. You can place it on a windowsill or hang it from a curtain pole. You can also put it on a side-table of the room to add elegance.

Wax Plant

You can hang it adjacent to a white wall to give the fantastic look. This plant can grow up to six feet long and easily grown in dry to semi-dry soil. Just water them once in a while and they are happy to creep out more.

Hanging Satin Pothos

This pothos is fit to be décor in any room with its trailing stems and silvery leaves. They are originally grown in the rainforest, which makes the satin pothos adjustable in a shady light.

String of Hearts

The delicate heart-shaped leaves budding on the string steal away the attention of the room. This plant is perfect for side-table or on top of a bookshelf and looks like a heart-shaped waterfall.


This spiderwort is a multi-colour leaf with a purple underside and makes a perfect fit for a side table on dull corners. This trailing plant prefers to keep its soil moist all the times and loves a lot of light.

String of Bananas

This is a succulent plant with distinctive banana-shaped leaves which is also known as fish hooks. It is native to South Africa and is the best option to put on the sun-drenched windowsill.

Baby Tears

This delicate plant will make an incredible mat of creeping vine of leaves. It prefers moist soil and little light to full shade place. Hang them from the ceiling besides the wall in the innermost corner of the room.

Neon Prayer Plant

Commonly known as Hardy Maranta because of the way its leaves close at nightfall. This vibrant plant is perfect for window sills, tabletops or shelves which need a splash of colour.