10 Healthy Alternatives To Wheat Bread

Producer: Peuli Bakshi

Whole Grain Bread

Opt for bread made from whole grains like oats, barley, or quinoa. These grains provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Rye Bread

Rye bread is lower in gluten than wheat bread and provides a unique flavor and potential benefits for blood sugar control.

Corn Tortilla

Corn tortillas are healthier alternative to wheat bread, due to less gluten and carbohydrate content. You can have it as a taco or wrap too.

Paleo Bread

Paleo-friendly breads use ingredients like almond flour, coconut flour, and eggs to create a grain-free option.

Lettuce or Collard Wrap

Replace bread with large lettuce leaves or collard greens to create a low-carb wrap for sandwiches.

Ezekiel Bread

This is a type of sprouted grain bread made from a mix of grains and legumes. It's rich in protein, fiber, and various nutrients.

Cauliflower Bread

Cauliflower can be used to create a gluten-free and lower-carb bread alternative that's rich in vitamins and minerals.

(Pizza Crust)

Sweet Potato Toast

Slice sweet potatoes thinly and toast them for a nutrient-rich, gluten-free base for your toppings.

Egg Buns

Using eggs as a buns or burger base instead of bread can be a protein-rich and low-carb option.

Oopsie Bread

Oopsie bread is a gluten-free alternative to wheat bread. It's made primarily from eggs and cream cheese, resulting in a light and fluffy texture.