For almost a century, astragalus has been utilised in traditional Chinese medicine. The herb works well for treating respiratory infections, asthma, the common cold, cough, and flu.
The age-old natural treatment pippali reduces inflammation, clears mucus, and eases nasal congestion. It also acts as a counterirritant.
As an essential herbal demulcent, licorice root can protect the respiratory tract and ease sore throats.
A well-researched Ayurvedic treatment for a variety of respiratory conditions is kalmegh root and leaf.
Vasaka leaf, also referred to as Adhatoda vasica or Malabar nut, is a well-liked Ayurvedic respiratory remedy that clears the lungs and treats lung conditions such as TB, bronchitis, and others by stimulating the bronchial system.
Everyday consumption of a turmeric drink helps to reduce airway inflammation.
Peppermint tea’s many therapeutic properties help relieve sore throats by thinning mucus and reducing inflammation caused by lung infections.
Strong anti-inflammatory qualities in ginger tea are highly valued for curing common colds and coughs, as well as helping to remove toxins from the respiratory system.
Consume a stimulating, revitalising herbal drink with a shot of aromatic cardamom to strengthen your lungs and ignite your digestive fire.
Tulsi, often known as basil, naturally strengthens immunity because of its high concentration of antioxidants, zinc, and vitamin C. Its antiviral and anti-inflammatory qualities support improved respiratory health.