10 Highest Peaks in the World That No One Has Ever Climbed

By Rajni pandey may 28, 2024

Gangkhar Puensum

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Located at a height of 24,836 feet on the Bhutan-China border, Gangkhar Puensum is one of the world's tallest unclimbed peaks, wrapped in spiritual significance and political mystery.

Muchu Chhish

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Standing at 24,452 feet in Pakistan's Karakoram range, Muchu Chhish is a formidable, untouched peak waiting for an adventurous climber.

Mount Kailash

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Rising to 21,778 feet in Tibet, China, Mount Kailash is a sacred, unclimbed pyramid revered by four religions and forever off-limits to mountaineers.

Karjiang South

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At 23,691 feet in Tibet, Karjiang South is a hidden, snowy peak with a summit that remains unclaimed and mysterious.


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Located at 23,645 feet on the Bhutan-China border, Tongshanjiabu is a politically restricted beauty still waiting for its first ascent.

Saser Kangri II East

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Standing at 24,636 feet in India's remote Siachen Glacier region, Saser Kangri II East is an unscaled guardian presenting a formidable challenge.

Kabru North

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At 24,075 feet between India and Nepal, Kabru North is an untouched Himalayan marvel standing tall and unexplored.

Labuche Kang III

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Located at 23,786 feet in Tibet's Nyenchen Tanglha range, Labuche Kang III is a towering, unclimbed giant awaiting its first climbers.


Image Source: Canva

Standing at 23,691 feet in Tibet, Karjiang is a remote, unbeaten peak standing proud and silent, yet to be conquered.

Apsarasas Kangri

Image Source: Canva

At 23,770 feet in India's Karakoram range, Apsarasas Kangri is an elegant, icy summit still waiting for the first human footsteps.