10 Important Do’s and Don’ts of Pitru Paksha 

By Archisha Yadav | September 19, 2024

Offer food and prayers to your ancestors daily. This is essential to honour them and ensure peace for their souls during Pitru Paksha.

Image: Canva

Perform Shradh

Prepare and offer Pind Daan, typically made of rice and sesame, to honour your ancestors. This is an important ritual performed during this period.

Image: Canva

Offer Pind Daan

Engage in spiritual activities like chanting mantras, reading holy scriptures, and participating in religious gatherings to create a peaceful atmosphere.

Image: Canva

Stay Spiritual

Donate food, clothes, or money to the needy during Pitru Paksha. Helping others in need is considered highly auspicious during this period.

Image: Canva

Donate to Charity

It is believed that feeding cows, crows, dogs, and ants brings merit. These animals are seen as carriers of ancestral blessings.

Image: Canva

Feed Animals

Refrain from organising or participating in celebrations like weddings or engagements. Pitru Paksha is a time for remembrance, not festivities.

Image: Canva

Avoid Celebrations

Do not consume non-vegetarian food, garlic, or onions. These are believed to disturb the sanctity of the rituals during this period.

Image: Canva

Avoid Non-Veg Food

It is advised to avoid long-distance travel during Pitru Paksha. Travelling during this time is considered inauspicious.

Image: Canva

Don't Travel

Refrain from buying new clothes, shoes, or jewellery during Pitru Paksha. It is also inauspicious to purchase a new house or vehicle.

Image: Canva

No New Purchases

Do not cut your hair, nails, or shave during Pitru Paksha. These acts are considered inappropriate during the solemn period of remembrance.

Image: Canva

Avoid Haircuts