Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

10 Indoor Plants You Can Grow in Jars and Bottles


Herbs like basil, parsley, chives, cilantro, thyme, and mint can be easily grown in mason jars and glass bottles.


Pothos is a plant that requires minimal supervision and can easily grow in bottles and jars.

English Ivy

These pretty plants can grow in glass jars, either in soil or water, or both.

Wandering Jew

The colourful striped plant looks charming in bottles and jars.

Watch Chain Plant

This beautiful plant looks enchanting in a glass jar or bottle.

House Holly Fern

This easy-to-grow plant looks gorgeous in large mason jars.


Small cacti varities like Angel’s wings, Bunny ears, and Bishop’s cap look great in small jars  and bottles.

Aloe Vera

The plant with so may benefits, it can easily be grown in glass jars and bottles.


A mason jar serves as a perfect planter for wheatgrass.


Cute succulents look great in different-sized glass bottles and jars.