10 Interesting Facts about Indian Constitution

Preamble Proclamation: The Indian Constitution's preamble enshrines sovereignty, socialist values, and democratic principles

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Legacy: The chief architect, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, led the Constitution drafting

Historic Adoption: Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution on January 26, 1950, marking Republic Day

Historic Adoption: Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution on January 26, 1950, marking Republic Day

Secular Fabric: The Constitution ensures a secular state, promoting equal treatment of all religions

Fundamental Rights: Citizens' liberties, including freedom of speech and equality, are safeguarded by fundamental rights

Amendment Flexibility: Adapting to evolving needs, the Constitution allows amendments while preserving its foundational ethos

World's Lengthiest Constitution: India's Constitution is notable for its comprehensive nature, addressing myriad aspects

Independent Judiciary: Constitution establishes a robust judiciary, crucial for upholding justice and citizens' rights

Inclusive Franchise: Upholding democracy, the Constitution grants universal adult suffrage, allowing all citizens to vote