10 investment mistakes young investors should avoid

By: Sonia Shenoy

Here’s a list of 10 common investment mistakes that young investors should avoid for financial growth. Learn from the investment journey and insights of Radhika Gupta, CEO of Edelweiss AMC.

Starting late

Waiting too long to begin investing despite being a finance professional can hinder financial growth.

Not increasing SIP

Not increasing the SIP amount even when the income increases is one of the mistakes investors often make.

Having FOMO

Avoid making investment decisions solely based on the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). Social media can heavily influence such decisions, often leading to poor choices.

Taking rushed decisions

Procrastination can lead to rushed investment decisions driven by the fear of missing out, resulting in poor investments.

Investing in peer pressure

Don't succumb to social influences or follow what others are investing in. Base your investment decisions on your individual financial goals and thorough research.

Not educating yourself

Understanding investment options is crucial. Avoid blindly following trends without proper knowledge of what you're investing in.

Not taking a proactive approach

Actively manage your finances, avoid complacency, and stay informed to make prudent investment choices.

Making complex investments

Consider simple investment vehicles like SIPs into balanced advantage funds and mid/small cap funds

Not taking advice

Learn from leadership mistakes, and avoid trying to do everything yourself. Seek advice and collaborate with experts when making investment decisions.

Being impatient

Developing the patience to start early, learn, and wait for the right investment opportunities is key to successful investing.