10 Jobs Disappearing Faster Than You Think


June 26, 2024

Data Entry Workers

Source: Canva

Repetitive data entry tasks are now often done by machines.

Travel Agents

Source: Canva

Online booking websites are making traditional travel agents less necessary.

Cashiers and Bank Tellers

Source: Canva

Self-checkout machines and online banking reduce the need for cashiers and tellers.

Assembly Line Workers

Source: Canva

More manufacturing processes are becoming automated, leading to fewer jobs on the assembly line.

Telecom Customer Service Agents

Source: Canva

Automated systems like chatbots are handling more customer service calls.

Proofreaders and Editors

Source: Canva

Tools that check spelling and grammar are taking over some of the work done by proofreaders and editors.

Travel Ticket Checkers

Source: Canva

Electronic tickets and automated gates are replacing the need for human ticket checkers.

Factory Machine Operators

Source: Canva

As robots get more advanced, fewer people are needed to operate factory machines.

Entry-Level Accounting Clerks

Source: Canva

Accounting software is taking over many basic bookkeeping tasks.

Loan Processing Clerks

Source: Canva

Online loan applications and automated systems are reducing the need for traditional loan processing clerks.