10 Jobs That Will Be Replaced by AI Chatbots in India

By Rajni pandey may 29, 2024

Customer Service Representatives

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AI chatbots can handle a large volume of customer queries, provide instant responses, and work 24/7, making them ideal for replacing traditional customer service roles.


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Automated calling systems and AI chatbots can manage telemarketing campaigns, including calling potential customers, answering basic questions, and collecting feedback.

Technical Support Agents

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For common technical issues, AI chatbots can provide step-by-step troubleshooting assistance, reducing the need for human technical support agents.

Sales Representatives

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AI chatbots can handle initial customer inquiries, provide product information, and even process sales transactions, especially for e-commerce businesses.


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AI-powered virtual receptionists can manage appointment bookings, answer routine questions, and direct calls, which can replace traditional receptionist roles.

Data Entry Clerks

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AI systems can automate data entry tasks, accurately inputting and processing large amounts of information much faster than humans.

HR Recruiters

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AI chatbots can screen resumes, conduct initial interviews, and handle routine HR inquiries, streamlining the recruitment process.

Market Researchers

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AI can analyze market trends, gather consumer insights, and generate reports, reducing the need for manual market research efforts.

Content Moderators

Image Source: Canva

AI can review and moderate user-generated content on websites and social media platforms, ensuring compliance with community guidelines.

Survey and Feedback Collection Agents

Image Source: Canva

AI chatbots can conduct surveys, collect feedback, and analyze responses in real-time, replacing the need for human survey agents.