10 Lessons from Rumi:  For your business, and you

By Hrishikesh Datar | June 12, 2024

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Be childlike, again

To grow, we need to become children again. In a child’s eyes, we don't merely see innocence, we see the wisdom of unlimited possibilities.

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Unlimitedness is our birthright

Unlimitedness is our natural state. Everything we feel as a limitation is false, and created by our own thoughts.

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Awareness is the ‘only’ reality

What is beyond the three dimensions of length, width and height? Awareness. And all creation happens in awareness.

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Miracles are made possible by gratitude

Three phrases for every team to focus on: (1) Possibilities, not negativity; (2) Miracles are real (3) Gratitude is your superpower.

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Believe this: You are the universe

The only reality is that you are not distinct from the universe. You are the universe.

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You are right now in the past, present and future

Everything is happening in this present moment. There is no past, there is no future, there is only the present. The past and the future are merely illusions.

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You are ENOUGH

You will begin discovering everything you craved, once you realize you’re worthy.

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All creation is in the void

You will learn everything not from motion, but from stillness. Not from your words, but from silence. All creation is in the void.

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Fear must drop you

A ship does not sail faster by pushing harder, but by resisting less. Resist less, surrender more. You cannot drop fear, fear must drop you.

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Text by Hrishikesh Datar, author of Ruminate: The Sufi Saint on Mastering Life and Business