10 Life Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita

By Moneycontrol.com

May 29, 2024

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Swadharma (Do Your Duty)

The Gita emphasizes fulfilling your responsibilities and acting according to your inherent nature,  without attachment to the outcome.

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Samathvam (Stay Calm & Composed)

In the face of challenges, the Gita teaches the importance of maintaining composure and performing actions with a clear mind.

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Sthitaprajna (Focus on the Present)

Don't dwell on the past or worry excessively about the future. The Gita emphasizes living in the present moment and performing your duties with focus.

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Viveka (Develop Right Perspective)

Distinguish between what is real and lasting (the soul) and what is temporary (the material world). This helps make wise decisions.

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Nishkama Karma (Detachment)

Perform actions without expecting rewards or fearing failure. Focus on the act itself and let go of the attachment to the outcome.

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Shraddha (Belief in Yourself)

Have faith in your abilities and the path you choose. Strong self-belief fuels motivation and perseverance.

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Jnana (Seek Knowledge)

Continuously strive to learn and expand your knowledge. This equips you to make informed decisions and navigate life's complexities.

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Atman (Universality of the Soul)

Realize that all beings share the same essence, the Atman. This fosters compassion and understanding in your interactions with others.

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Karmayoga (Action with Inaction)

While performing your duties, remain unattached to the results. This balance between action and inaction brings inner peace.

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Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender to the Divine)

Ultimately, the Gita teaches surrendering your actions and ego to a higher power. This fosters acceptance and reduces anxiety.