10 Mesmerising Aurora Images Shared by NASA

Sheetal Kumari

September 16, 2024


NASA shares this photo taken by Gunjan Sinha on May 11, 2024, near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

 Image: NASA

Washington, U.S

NASA shares this photo taken by Kashmir Wilkinson on May 10, 2024, from the Olympic Peninsula in Washington, U.S.

 Image: NASA


NASA shares this photo taken by Justin Anderson on May 10, 2024, from Sydney, Manitoba, Canada.

 Image: NASA


This photo, shared by NASA, was captured by Jeremy Kuzub on May 11, 2024, from Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada.

 Image: NASA

Earth's Satellite View

From space, the aurora forms a crown of light around Earth's poles. The IMAGE satellite captured this aurora australis four days after a massive solar flare.

 Image: NASA

U.S Ohio

This photo, shared by NASA, was captured by Christian Harris on May 11, 2024, from Utica, Ohio, U.S

 Image: NASA


NASA shares this photo taken by Gunjan Sinha on May 11, 2024, near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

 Image: NASA

Aurora Image From ISS

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and ESA astronaut Tim Peake shared a series of aurora photos taken from the International Space Station on January 20, 2016.

 Image: NASA

Image by Jack Fischer

Expedition 52 Flight Engineer Jack Fischer captured this glowing green aurora from the International Space Station on June 26, 2017, 250 miles above Earth.

 Image: NASA

Aurora Image From Space

This image, taken from aboard the International Space Station, shows the aurora australis as it streams across the Earth's atmosphere.

 Image: NASA