Do 1 minute of jumping jacks. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times.
Stand up and sit back down on your chair for 10 times.
Find a staircase and briskly climb up and down for 10 minutes.
Find a wall, hold a squat position for 1 minute, and repeat 10 times.
Grab headphones, play your favourite song and jog in a place for 10 minutes.
Perform walking lunges for 10 minutes around your home or park.
Stand in place and lift your knees as high as possible for 1 minute. Repeat 10 times.
Do 3 sets of 10 push-ups. Do not forget to take short breaks in between.
Put on your favourite Bollywood song and dance freely for 10 minutes.
Start with a 30-second plank. Rest for 15 seconds and then aim for 10 minutes.