Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

10 Most Dangerous Countries To Visit In 2023

Ever since the Taliban took over in 2021, the living conditions have only gotten worse.


One of the most troubled countries of the Middle East, the country's civil wars have led to countless deaths since 2015.


Civil war, oppression, violence and incessant terrorist attacks have turned this country into living hell.


Ever since its separation from Sudan in 2011, the country is fraught with problems, sexual violence being a major concern.

South Sudan

Since the deteriorating relations with Zambia from 2020, there is a war-like atmosphere between the two countries.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Since its ongoing war with Ukraine, this powerful nation has been listed as one of the most dangerous countries in the world.


The country appears on this list for the first time, thanks to the ongoing war with Russia. Over 82,000 people have lost their lives since the war.


With kidnapping, theft and murder widely prevalent here, it's no surprise that the country is one of the most dangerous in the world.


Over 10 lakh people have fled the country, as per UN reports. Civil wars, shortage of basic amenities, and sexual violence are the main reasons.


With regular attacks on its civilians by terrorists and infiltrators, this is also one of the most unsafe countries in the world.


Source: Global Peace Index 2023