10 Most Deadly Plants In  The World

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Oleander is beautiful yet deadly, it contains toxic compounds affecting the heart and nervous system.

Belladonna which is also called deadly nightshade, its berries contain toxic alkaloids.

Remember that all parts of Angel's Trumpet plant are toxic, causing hallucinations and paralysis.

Digitalis is used in heart medications but it is also deadly due to cardiac glycosides.

Water Hemlock is often mistaken for edible plants but it contains the highly toxic cicutoxin.

Rosary Pea's seeds contain abrin which is a potent toxin damaging cells.

Consuming white snakeroot can cause milk sickness due to tremetol.

Deadly Amanita is a mushroom containing deadly toxins causing liver and kidney failure.

Jimsonweed's seeds and leaves contain toxic alkaloids causing hallucinations and death.

Castor Bean Plant's seeds contain ricin, one of the most lethal natural poisons.