10 Animals That Are Worshipped In India

By Archisha Yadav | September 2, 2024

The elephant, symbolised by Lord Ganesha, represents wisdom and strength. Many temples keep elephants as sacred animals to be revered and cared for.

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Worshipped during Nag Panchami, snakes are considered sacred due to their association with Lord Shiva, who wears a snake around his neck.

Image: Canva


The monkey is sacred due to its connection with Lord Hanuman, the deity of strength and devotion. Monkeys are often fed and worshipped at temples.

Image: Canva


The tiger is associated with the goddess Durga, who rides a tiger, symbolising power and protection. It is respected in many Indian traditions and stories.

Image: Canva


Rats are revered in the Karni Mata Temple in Rajasthan, where rats are fed and protected, believed to be the reincarnations of the goddess's devotees.

Image: Canva


Revered as a symbol of life and sustenance, the cow is deeply sacred in Hindu culture. It is often worshipped during festivals like Gopashtami.

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Dogs are worshipped during the Hindu festival of Kukur Tihar in Nepal and India, where they are honoured for their loyalty and companionship.

Image: Canva


The national bird of India, peacocks are sacred and associated with Lord Krishna and Saraswati, symbolising beauty and knowledge.

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The bull, Nandi, is the vehicle of Lord Shiva and is revered in many temples. Bulls are also significant in many agricultural communities in India.

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Fish are considered sacred in some regions, especially in Assam, due to their association with water bodies that are often seen as a manifestation of gods.

Image: Canva
