10 Natural Air Fresheners You Can Use

Producer:  Peuli Bakshi Editor: Aparna Singh

Baking Soda

Leave an open box of baking soda in your refrigerator to absorb odour.

Citrus Peels

Save citrus peels, let them dry, and place them in a bowl to release a pleasant aroma.

Essential Oils

Use an essential oil diffuser with scents like lavender, eucalyptus, or citrus.

Lemon and Rosemary

Simmer lemon slices and fresh rosemary in water on your stovetop.

Cedar Blocks

Place cedar blocks in your closet to repel insects, and keep your clothes smelling fresh.

Coffee Grounds

Place used coffee grounds in a bowl in your fridge to absorb odour.

Cinnamon Sticks

Simmer cinnamon sticks in water on the stove for a warm and spicy scent.

Vanilla Extract

Dab a little vanilla extract on a cotton ball and place it in your refrigerator.

Herb Bundles

Bundle herbs like thyme, oregano, and sage and let them dry, then burn them like incense.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal can absorb odour and is useful in small spaces.