10 natural remedies to prevent yourself from heatstroke

Heatstroke is a potentially fatal condition that develops when the body's temperature increases dramatically and it is unable to cool down.

Onion Juice This is one of the most effective cures for heat stroke. Applying onion juice behind the ears and on the chest might help lower your body temperature.

Juice from coriander and mint leaves Extracting the juice from coriander or mint leaves and drinking it with a teaspoon of sugar is a simple home treatment for reducing body heat.

Tamarind Drink Tamarind is high in vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. Soak the tamarind in boiling water. Strain and drink with a pinch of sugar. This infusion brings down your body's temperature.

Plums Plums are high in antioxidants and noted for their hydrating properties. These antioxidants have anti-inflammatory characteristics that can help relieve internal inflammation induced by heat stroke.

Buttermilk Buttermilk contains probiotics and helps restore your body with critical vitamins and minerals that may be lost due to heavy perspiration.

Coconut Water Coconut water rehydrates your body by naturally balancing its electrolytes.

Aam Panna Aam Panna is a delicious drink made from raw mangoes and spices that cools the body. This drink should be drank at least twice or three times each day.

Apple Cider Vinegar Add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to your fruit juice, or combine it with plain, cold water and honey. This helps to replace the minerals and electrolytes.

Sandalwood Paste Mix some sandalwood powder and apply it to your forehead and chest. Its cooling effects will lower your body temperature.

Tulsi seeds A mixture of tulsi seeds and rose water has been shown to rapidly cool your system.

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