10 natural ways to lower uric acid levels in the body

Limit purine-rich foods like red meat, organ meats, fish, shellfish, and poultry to reduce uric acid production.

Avoid or reduce intake of sugar, especially fructose found in fruit, honey, and refined sugars like table sugar and high fructose corn syrup, as they can increase uric acid levels.

Drink plenty of water to help your kidneys flush out uric acid faster and reduce the risk of uric acid kidney stones.

Limit alcohol consumption, as it can trigger high uric acid levels and lead to increased purine production.

Drink coffee, which may help lower uric acid levels by competing with the enzyme that breaks down purines and increasing uric acid excretion.

Manage weight through a nutritious diet and regular exercise, as excess body fat can contribute to elevated uric acid levels.

Manage blood sugar levels by having regular check-ups and following a balanced eating plan. It can help in reducing high uric acid.

Increase fibre intake to reduce uric acid levels and balance blood sugar and insulin levels.

Boost vitamin C intake through foods or supplements, as it can help lower uric acid levels.

Consider adding cherries or cherry juice to your diet, as they contain compounds that may help lower uric acid levels, especially in people with gout.

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