10 no-milk drinks that you can have for breakfast

Refreshing and hydrating, watermelon juice is a great non-dairy option.

Watermelon Juice

A classic choice, orange juice provides a burst of vitamin C without any milk.

Orange Juice

Naturally sweet and full of electrolytes, coconut water is a delicious milk alternative.

Coconut Water

Choose from a variety of herbal teas like peppermint, chamomile, or hibiscus for a warm and soothing beverage.

Herbal Tea

Lemonade made from freshly squeezed lemons is a tangy and tasty non-dairy option.

Freshly Squeezed Lemonade

A chilled glass of green tea offers antioxidants and a subtle caffeine boost.

Iced Green Tea

Tart and refreshing, cranberry juice can be a flavourful addition to your breakfast routine.

Cranberry Juice

Packed with antioxidants, pomegranate juice is a vibrant non-dairy choice.

Pomegranate Juice

Combine vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, and celery for a nutritious and savoury drink.

Vegetable Juice

Add slices of your favourite fruits (such as berries or citrus) to sparkling water for a fizzy, fruity beverage.

Sparkling Water with Fresh Fruit

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