10 Oldest Religions In The World

By Rajni Pandey | June 12, 2024


Originating in India around 2300-1500 BCE, Hinduism emphasizes dharma, karma, moksha, and worship of deities like Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. It's a complex faith with diverse practices and beliefs.

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Emerging in Persia around 1500-1200 BCE, Zoroastrianism focuses on the dualism of good (Ahura Mazda) and evil (Angra Mainyu), emphasizing individual choice and the concepts of heaven and hell.

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Starting in the Middle East around 2000-1500 BCE, Judaism is a monotheistic faith centering on the covenant between God and Abraham, with a focus on the Torah and values like justice and compassion.

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Originating in India in the 8th-7th century BCE, Jainism promotes non-violence, non-possessiveness, and the idea of many-sided reality, with a strong emphasis on asceticism and self-discipline.

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Founded in China in the 6th-5th century BCE, Confucianism is an ethical system based on Confucius's teachings, stressing morality, social relationships, justice, and sincerity.

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Taoism, emerging in China between the 6th-4th century BCE, teaches harmony with the Tao (the way), valuing simplicity, spontaneity, and non-intervention (wu wei).

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Founded in India in the 6th-5th century BCE, Buddhism teaches the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, focusing on the impermanence of life (anicca) and the concept of non-self (anatta).

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Shinto, originating in Japan around the 3rd century BCE, revolves around the worship of kami (spiritual beings), with rituals and festivals promoting purity, sincerity, and harmony with nature.

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Greek Religion

Ancient Greek religion, starting in the 8th century BCE, involved polytheistic worship of gods like Zeus and Athena, with a rich mythology, rituals, and oracles shaping its practices.

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Celtic Religion

Celtic religion, dating to the 5th century BCE in Europe, was polytheistic and nature-reverent, with druids as religious leaders and festivals such as Samhain and Beltane marking its traditions.

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