10 Plant-based Meat Substitutes Used in India

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey

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Are you looking for some plant-based meat substitutes in an Indian kitchen? Here are the top 10 plant-based meat substitutes you can include in your meals.

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Raw Jackfruit Jackfruit can be used to replace the taste of meat. You can shred the raw jack fruit fibres and cook them with spices. 

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Dehydrated Mushrooms Dehydrated mushrooms taste similar to the pork. They can be added to Asian delicacies like fried rice, ramen, or stir-fries. 

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Tofu You can use tofu in place of paneer. Make vertical gnashes on a thin tofu block. Wrap it in nori seaweed sheets and deep fry. Add soy sauce and vinegar and sprinkle some sesame seeds.

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Raw Banana Cut thin slices of raw banana and marinate them in a mix of gram flour, chilli powder, turmeric powder, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Mix some semolina, and rice flour with water and marinate the banana slices. Fry them in oil.

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Soya Chunks Deep fry soaked and rinsed soya chunks along with chillies, garlic, pepper, and onion. Blend them to form a paste. It will taste similar to your standard fish paste.

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 Chickpeas Soak and rinse chickpeas and grind them in a grinder along with soy sauce. Knead it well to make a dough. Now, make a cylindrical form of the dough and knot it. Boil the knotted dough and once it is cooked, shred it into pieces. Cook these pieces with spices.

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Brinjal Thinly slice brinjal and marinate these slices with paprika, oregano, garlic powder, and onion powder. Now, coat this in chickpea flour and bread crumbs. Deep fry them.

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Green peas Mashed green peas make an excellent meat substitute. It is perfect for making burger patties and sausages.

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Arbi You can use arbi as a meat substitute. You can prepare a dry sabzi by cooking it with mustard oil and spices.

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Jimikand Cut yams into chunks, boil them, and then grind them with spices. Shape them in the form of meatballs and deep fry them in oil.