Producer: Peuli Bakshi

10 Plants That Can Cause Itching

Poison Ivy

This infamous plant contains urushiol, an oil that can cause severe itching and rash upon skin contact.

Poison oak

Similar to poison ivy, poison oak also contains urushiol and can lead to itching, rash, and blisters.

Poison sumac

Poison sumac is another urushiol-producing plant that can cause itching and a rash.

Giant Hogweed

This plant's sap contains chemicals that can cause severe skin irritation, including itching, blistering, and burns when exposed to sunlight.

Water Hemlock

Contact with its sap or handling the plant can lead to severe skin irritation, blisters, and even systemic poisoning.

Wild Parsnip

Its sap contains chemicals that can cause a skin condition known as phytophotodermatitis, resulting in itching, blistering, and skin discoloration when exposed to sunlight.


Its stiff hairs that can penetrate the skin, and cause itchy reaction and rash.

Stinging Nettle

The fine hairs on its leaves and stems contain irritating compounds, that can cause itching and a stinging sensation when touched.

Burning Bush

Some people may experience itching and skin irritation when in contact with the sap of this plant.


Certain species of leadwort can produce skin irritation upon contact with the leaves or sap, leading to itching and redness.