10 Plants That Can Easily Grow In December

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Marigolds: These vibrant flowers thrive in the Indian winter, adding color to gardens and festive decorations.

Petunias: With their ability to withstand cooler temperatures, petunias continue to bloom in December across India.

Pansies: Known for their cold tolerance, pansies bring a splash of color to winter gardens in various regions.

Chrysanthemums: These hardy flowers flourish in December, making them a popular choice for winter landscapes.

Coriander: A versatile herb, coriander can be easily grown in December, especially in milder climates.

Spinach: Cold-tolerant spinach is a great leafy green to cultivate during the winter months in India.

Mustard Greens: With a quick growth cycle, mustard greens are well-suited for cultivation in Indian winters.

Lavender: Thriving in well-drained soil and sunny conditions, lavender can be grown in various parts of India during December.