10 Plants That Need Protection From Air Pollution

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Peace Lily  is known for its air-purifying abilities, it can be harmed by air pollution.

Spider Plant is a resilient air purifier but can still affected by pollution.

Rubber Plant though hardy, it can surely struggle in polluted environments.

Boston Fern is an excellent air cleaner but sensitive to air quality.

Various Dracaena species are efficient air purifiers but can suffer from pollution.

Gerbera Daisy is prone to damage from air pollutants.

Many palm varieties, despite being popular, may need protection.

Azaleas are lovely flowering shrubs but they are vulnerable to air pollution.

Ficus Benjamina is good at filtering air, but it can be impacted by pollutants.

It might so happen that aloe vera too can suffer from air pollution.