10 plants you should not keep at home

Bonsai Bonsai trees, while admired for their small stature and intricate designs, are frequently associated with stunted growth and slow progress, especially professional development.

Cotton Cotton plants and their buds are deemed hazardous due to their potential to cause cuts and abrasions, making it advisable to refrain from keeping them indoors.

Cactus Despite their popularity as indoor decorations, cacti can be prickly and cause injury, particularly in households with children or pets.

Tamarind Tamarind trees, known for their expansive growth, may not be suited for indoor environments, as their foliage tends to attract pests and demands regular upkeep.

Weeping Fig Weeping Figs, though common indoor fixtures, require diligent maintenance due to their waxy leaves, which readily accumulate dust and dirt.

Rubber Plant While prized for their shiny foliage and air-purifying qualities, rubber plants can be toxic to pets if consumed, so pet owners are advised to exercise caution.

Dieffenbachia Dieffenbachia, admired for its vibrant leaves, contains calcium oxalate crystals that can cause skin irritation.

Oleander Despite its ornamental appeal, oleander is highly toxic, containing substances that can be fatal if consumed, so it should not be grown indoors.

Yew Yew trees, typically found in gardens, contain toxic alkaloids in their needles and seeds, posing a risk if ingested.

Snake Plant Snake plants, which are valued for their air-purifying properties, release oxygen at night, which may prove unsettling for some individuals.

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