10 Questions You Should Never Ask in a Job Interview

By priyanka roshan | aug 21, 2024

Asking the wrong questions during a job interview can leave a negative impression. Here are 10 questions you should avoid to keep the focus on your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role.

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"What does the job entail?"

This question shows you haven’t done your research. Instead, ask specific questions about the role that reflect your understanding of it.

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"What does this company do?"

This is a basic question that indicates a lack of preparation. Research the company beforehand to avoid this pitfall.

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"What is the salary?"

Bringing up salary too soon can make it seem like money is your only motivation. Wait until the employer mentions it.

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"How much time off will I get?"

Asking about time off during the interview can give the wrong impression. Save this for after you receive an offer.

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"What's the work-life balance for this role?"

While important, asking this too early can suggest you're more focused on personal time. Inquire about company culture instead.

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"Can I work from home instead of the office?"

Unless the job is advertised as remote, this question can imply reluctance to engage with the team. Ask about the company’s remote work policy instead.

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"What are you looking for in a candidate?"

This question can make you seem unsure of your fit. Instead, demonstrate how your skills align with the job.

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"What's the work schedule like?"

This can suggest you’re more concerned about hours than the job itself. Ask about a typical day in the role instead.

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Why should I work for you?"

This can come across as arrogant. Focus on why you’re excited about the role and how you can contribute.

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"How soon can I get promoted?"

Asking about promotion early on can seem presumptuous. Instead, inquire about professional development opportunities.

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