10 Reasons To Avoid Palm Oil

Palm oil’s saturated fats can cause damage to your liver in long run.

Poor Liver Health

It also causes bloating, diarrhoea, cramps and nausea.

Digestive Issues

Palm oil must also be avoided if you want to maintain a healthy weight.

Weight Gain

Saturated fats reduce the proper absorption of nutrients in the body.

Reduction In Nutrient Absorption

Palm oil has also been linked to reduction in insulin sensitivity.


It increases inflammation resulting in high cholesterol and diabetes.


Palm oil production leads to water pollution and danger to aquatic life.

Water Pollution

As per WWF, palm oil production has been a major cause of rapid deforestation.


When oxidised, palm oil induces toxicity harming kidney, lung, liver and heart, as per NIH, USA.

Toxic when Oxidised

Palm oil is majorly used in junk/processed food, causing health risks in the long run.

Unhealthy Diet