10 Reasons to Worship Peepal Tree on Saturdays

By Archisha Yadav | September 10, 2024

According to the Chandogya Upanishad and the Atharva Veda, Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi reside on the Peepal tree on Saturdays. Watering its roots is considered auspicious.

Image: Canva

Divine Abode

Offering prayers to the Peepal tree on Saturdays is said to provide peace to one’s ancestors, helping their souls attain moksha, or liberation.

Image: Canva

Ancestors’ Peace

The Peepal tree is known for its medicinal properties. Worshipping it is believed to promote good health and ward off diseases.

Image: Canva

Health Benefits

Saturdays are associated with Shani (Saturn). Worshipping the Peepal tree on this day is believed to reduce Shani’s adverse effects.

Image: Canva

Protection from Shani

Praying to the Peepal tree on Saturdays is thought to attract prosperity and financial stability in one’s life.

Image: Canva

Prosperity and Wealth

The Peepal tree is believed to emit positive energy. Worshipping it helps remove negative vibes from your surroundings.

Image: Canva

Positive Energy

Regular worship of the Peepal tree on Saturdays is said to increase one’s lifespan and ensure a healthy life.

Image: Canva


It is believed that offering prayers to the Peepal tree can help fulfil your desires, especially when done with devotion.

Image: Canva

Fulfilment of Wishes

 The Peepal tree is linked to Lord Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, who held discussions beneath it. Worship strengthens one’s connection with these deities.

Image: Canva

Divine Connection

Lord Krishna declared himself as the Peepal tree in the Bhagavad Gita. Worshipping it brings his blessings, offering protection and divine love.

Image: Canva

Krishna’s Blessings