7 reasons why snail mucin so popular in skincare routine

Moneycontrol News | April 10, 2024 | Images: Canva

Snail mucin, also known as snail secretion filtrate, is a viscous fluid secreted by snails to protect and regenerate their delicate skin. While the idea of slathering snail goo on your face may sound off-putting, the science behind its skincare prowess is fascinating

One of the key reasons it has gained popularity is its rich nutrient profile. Packed with glycoproteins, hyaluronic acid,  glycolic acid, and various vitamins and minerals, snail mucin delivers a potent dose of hydration and nourishment to the skin

These nutrients work together to moisturise, repair, and rejuvenate the skin, leaving it looking plump, radiant, and youthful

the most remarkable aspect of snail mucin is its ability to stimulate collagen production. Collagen, a protein responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness, naturally declines as we age, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin

By promoting collagen synthesis, snail  mucin helps to combat these signs of  ageing, resulting in smoother, firmer  skin with regular use

Thanks to compounds like allantoin and glycoproteins, snail mucin can soothe irritated skin, reduce redness, and accelerate healing process of wounds and blemishes. This makes it an excellent ingredient for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin

It is celebrated for its ability to enhance skin texture and tone. Its gentle exfoliating properties, attributed to the presence of glycolic acid, help to slough off dead skin cells and promote cell turnover, revealing smoother, more radiant skin underneath

Regular use of snail mucin can help  improve the appearance of uneven skin  tone, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars, giving you a more even complexion and  a natural glow

When it comes to incorporating snail mucin into your skincare routine, there are various options to choose from, including serums, creams, masks, and essences. However, be sure to do a patch test first and start with a lower concentration to avoid any sensitivities