10 Reasons Why You May Be Crying While Sleeping

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

When you are facing a lot of complicated situations, your body needs a way to deal with them. That is where sleep comes in.

Anxiety and Stress

Depression is a common mood disorder marked by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness and losing interest in things one used to enjoy.


People cope with tragedy or trauma in their own unique ways. Some may stay occupied during the day but at night troubling emotions can surface, resulting in sleep issues.

Suppressed Emotion

Nightmares are worse than regular bad dreams. When you wake up from a nightmare, it can leave you feeling really scared, upset, shaken, and uneasy.


Parasomnia is a group of sleep disorders, such as sleepwalking and sleep-talking. People with parasomnia act out their dreams while asleep, sometimes even crying. 


If you often find yourself feeling sad and tearful in the morning but gradually feel better, you may be experiencing diurnal mood variation or morning depression.

Diurnal Mood Variation

One common cause of waking up in tears is having nightmares. Having frequent nightmares can be a sign of growing emotional stress and potential mental health concerns.

Less Sleep

Certain medications can cause unusual reactions. If you have just begun a new medication, it might be the cause. Changes in your medications could also be the reason. 


When grief is suppressed, it can manifest in difficulty making choices, feelings of sadness and anxiety, sleep disturbances like waking up in tears, and a constant sense of heaviness and fatigue.

Buried Grief

When you sleep, you go through five stages, including a phase called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. In babies and toddlers, these transitions can be unsettling because they signal a change in their state that they might not comprehend yet.

Transition between Stages of Seep