10 Revelations From MAtTHEW PERRY'S Memoir

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Perry allegedly 'beat up' a young Justin Trudeau

Found peace for the first time when he drank as a teen

Perry moved from Canada to Hollywood, hoping to reconnect with his father

Perry wrote, "Why is it that the original thinkers like River Phoenix and Heath Ledger die, but Keanu Reeves still walks among us?"

Perry in his memoir had mentioned that he had a crush on former co-star Jennifer Aniston, saying he asked her out three years before Friends first aired in 1994

Perry, when 18, started dating late Carrie Fisher's half-sister named Tricia and credited her for helping him solve drinking-related erectile dysfunction.

Perry accepted that he had a huge crush on Valerie Bertinelli, who was married to one of the most famous rock stars on the planet, Eddie Van Halen

Julia Roberts agreed to appear on Friends. But she made it clear she would do it only if she appeared in Perry's storyline.

Perry had a jet ski accident during 'Fools Rush In' filming, received Vicodin for pain, and later became addicted, taking 55 pills daily

In his memoir, Perry remembered taking methadone, cocaine, and Xanax at 30. By age 49 in 2019, his colon burst from opioid overuse, and he spent two weeks in a coma, nearly dying.