10 side-effects of intermittent fasting

Hunger is one of the most common side-effects of intermittent fasting, which comes as no surprise. When you reduce your calorie intake or go long periods without eating, you may experience increased hunger.

Hunger and cravings

Headaches are another possible side-effect of the first few days of fasting. Mild headaches may occur while your body adjusts to the new eating style.

Headaches and lightheadedness

While not universal, some people may experience mood swings or irritability during fasting periods. It's critical to monitor your emotional well-being and adjust your fasting strategy as needed.

Mood changes

Intermittent fasting may cause fatigue, particularly during the initial adaptation phase. Adequate hydration and proper nutrition are critical for reducing fatigue.


Fasting can alter your oral environment, resulting in bad breath. Staying hydrated and practicing good oral hygiene can help with this.

Bad breath

Fasting may cause some people to have disrupted sleep patterns. Pay attention to how fasting affects your sleep quality and make adjustments accordingly.

Sleep disturbances

Extended fasting periods can cause dehydration. Be mindful of your fluid intake.


Malnutrition could arise from intermittent fasting if it is not executed properly. Make sure you continue to consume enough food during these windows of opportunity.


Hair loss may result from abrupt weight loss or a diet low in essential nutrients, particularly protein and B vitamins.

Hair loss

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