Chest painThis is a classic sign of a heart attack. It starts with discomfort at the centre of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or in some cases it can come and go.
Irregular heartbeatIt is advisable to see a doctor whenever you feel an irregular heartbeat.
Leg painUnbearable pain in the leg while walking is another symptom of an unhealthy heart.
Arm painIf pain creeps in your arm, especially the left one, and neck it can be dangerous.
Jaw or back painPain in the jaw is often linked to heart disease and it is advisable to get it checked.
Swollen anklesThis symptom should not be ignored at any cost. It is a clear indication of heart problems.
IndigestionRepeated feelings of nausea or indigestion should not be overlooked.
DizzinessIf you have developed dizziness or lightheadedness recently, it is better to get it checked.
Shortness of breathIf you are feeling short of breath while doing small everyday activities it will be good to visit a doctor.
Feeling sweatyIf normal activities like sitting and walking leave you all sweaty, consult a doctor.