10 snacks that make a rainy day better

Warm and rich, it’s the perfect companion to a rainy day with marshmallows on top.

Hot Chocolate

 Crispy fried vegetable fritters paired with spicy chutney, a classic monsoon treat.  


A steaming bowl of tomato soup with a hint of basil brings comfort in wet weather.

Tomato Soup

Spiced tea that warms you from the inside out, perfect for sipping while it pours.

Masala Chai

 Gooey melted cheese between crunchy bread, a timeless rainy day favourite.  

Grilled Cheese Sandwich:

Charred corn on the cob with lemon and spices, a monsoon street food delight.


 A comforting bowl of rice and lentils, perfect for a cosy meal on a rainy evening.


 Golden, crispy pastries filled with spiced potatoes, ideal for a rainy afternoon snack.  


Warm, spicy ginger cookies fresh out of the oven, perfect with a cup of tea.

Ginger Cookies

A bowl of steaming hot ramen with vegetables and broth warms you up during a downpour.


Want a sharp memory? 10 foods to eat besides almonds